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CHELTENHAM - Réunion 7 - Jeudi 14 Mars 2024

Accueil > Pronostics Hippiques > CHELTENHAM - Réunion 7 - Jeudi 14 Mars 2024

Discipline Nom Départ Partants Pronostics
Course 1 Obs Turners Novices' Chase (Grade 1) (Registered As The Golden Miller) (GBB Race) GRP 1 14h30 11
Course 2 Obs Pertemps Network Final Handicap Hurdle (Premier Handicap) (GBB Race) 15h10 26
Course 3 Obs Ryanair Chase (Grade 1) (Registered As The Festival Trophy) (GBB Race) GRP 1 15h50 11

Pronostic de Turfomania : 2 - 3 - 11 - 1

Course 4 Obs Paddy Power Stayers' Hurdle (Grade 1) (GBB Race) GRP 1 16h30 13

Pronostic de Turfomania : 11 - 12 - 9 - 13

Course 5 Obs TrustATrader Plate Handicap Chase (Premier Handicap) (GBB Race) 17h12 21

Pronostic de Turfomania : 11 - 12 - 9 - 13

Course 6 Obs Ryanair Mares' Novices' Hurdle (Grade 2) (Registered As The Dawn Run Mares' Novi GRP 2 17h50 11

Pronostic de Turfomania : 11 - 12 - 9 - 13

Course 7 Obs Fulke Walwyn Kim Muir Challenge Cup Amateur Jockeys' Handicap Chase (Sponsored B 18h32 26

Pronostic de Turfomania : 11 - 12 - 9 - 13